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·Hebei Zhengding Linji Temple: the birthplace of Zen Buddhism in China  ·Yichun Kuerbin  ·Egyptian women's charming grace  ·Guizhou Zhijindong: the most beautiful tourist cave in China  ·Turfan Gaochang Ancient City  ·Xinjiang Uygur: sing and dance the nation  ·Xiamen City landscape, Fujing Province  ·The beauty of chrysanthemum flower in the autumn  ·Millennium puzzle: Ancient Egyptian Pyramids  ·Zunyi Chishui, Guizhou  ·Yixing Zishahu  ·Shenyang  ·Old photos: postcards, Dalian  ·Peony: flower of the King  ·Taiwanese customs: during the Songkran Dragon Boat Festival at Sea  
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